Friday, March 28, 2008


You know, it's a shame, but such is life - the things I think you all would find interesting are generally the things I cannot go into details about. Maybe one day I can write a juicy "tell all" book and pray I don't get sued. All the names could be changed to protect both the innocent AND the guilty...HA!!

Okay, new topic.

I've seen this too many times - several business oriented software programs use imported spell checkers that are completely whacked. And there is one particular program we use here likes to auto-correct by default. I'm the typo queen, so I love spell checkers. But I'm not a big fan of auto corrections. When I used to write Knowledge Base articles for CoH it would drive me crazy.

But it's not even so much that. Businesses tend to use the word "inconvenience" a lot, yes? Well you can mispell it *oh so* slightly and it will switch to a COMPLETELY different word, and why it is ALWAYS this word, I don't know.

And that word word incontinence.

"We apologize for the incontinence."


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